When you are in a car accident, you can get multiple injuries that affect how you live. Broken bones, cuts and bruises can require medical treatment and months or even years of healing. But one of the most severe injuries that can affect your life is a traumatic brain injury, or TBI.
TBIs can vary in their effects. Many people get mild concussions and recover from them quickly. But head injuries can also leave people with long-lasting symptoms that may never go away. Some of these effects can include:
- Loss of memory
- Problems with speaking or understanding language
- Strokes
- Seizures
- Loss of cognitive function
- Paralysis
- Difficulty with fine motor skills
- Chronic headaches and migraines
- Vision loss
In some cases, the symptoms of TBIs can even cause more harm. For example, they can increase the risk of seizures and strokes. In turn, these events can cause additional damage to the brain.
Dealing with TBI symptoms
These symptoms can improve over time. But for some people, they last for the rest of their lives. And when they do, they rely on their family and medical care to help them.
To treat the adverse effects, medical professionals may encourage family members to write out instructions for routine tasks. The affected person may need a walker or a wheelchair to get around. Family members can also put up visual aids to help guide the person through regular routines.
In a car accident, you have a significant chance of suffering a TBI. Your recovery time will depend on the severity of the injury. But with severe TBIs, the symptoms may last for the rest of your life.