The rumor mill often kicks into high gear after someone's death. When you serve as the executor of an estate, people will likely seek you out either to obtain gossip or to supply you with it. If you learn that members of the family of the deceased or other...
Brain injuries may increase your risk for bad faith insurance issues
After a major motor vehicle collision, there are certain kinds of injuries that often result in more expensive insurance claims than others. In fact, there are injuries that often result in costs that far exceed the average motor vehicle insurance policy's medical...
Was there an omission in your transfer disclosure statement?
Unless you have a background in construction or real estate, purchasing a new property leaves you largely at the mercy of the real estate professionals involved in the transaction and the party selling the property. Many people view real estate not just as a place to...
TBIs can have lifelong effects
When you are in a car accident, you can get multiple injuries that affect how you live. Broken bones, cuts and bruises can require medical treatment and months or even years of healing. But one of the most severe injuries that can affect your life is a traumatic brain...
Homeowner associations can be a blessing or a curse
A family in San Antonio made national news when they began to put up their Christmas decorations on November 1. The decorations included a Frosty the Snowman, a reindeer in a helicopter and assorted holiday-themed figures. It was not worth a second look until the...